Fordham University


Fordham University, a historic and forward-thinking academic institution, is dedicated to enriching the educational experience by integrating modern technology into campus life. Recognising the necessity to adapt to evolving student needs, Fordham sought to implement a facility that aligns with its commitment to innovation and practicality.


Fordham University enhanced its campus amenities by installing Yellowbox smart lockers, providing:

  • On-Demand Self-Service: Enabling students and faculty to use lockers through a QR code and a simple web app, reducing administrative burden.
  • Versatile Locker Sizes: Catering to diverse storage needs from backpacks to electronic devices.
  • 24/7 Support System: Guaranteeing constant assistance for users and administrators, ensuring functionality at all times.
  • Payment Processing: Allowing for paid usage of the lockers.
  • Staff Management Application: Empowering the university staff with tools to oversee and regulate locker use efficiently.
  • Integration with University Login System: Ensuring a secure and seamless process to login and link university account.

With Yellowbox's smart lockers, Fordham University provides a secure, tech-savvy storage solution that supports the lifestyle of modern students and faculty, complete with around-the-clock support and a management system for optimal operation.