

Arcadis is a listed global design, engineering and management consulting firm based in the Netherlands.

Delftse Poort was the tallest tower in the Netherlands (up until May 2009) and is home to Arcadis' Rotterdam Office.

Arcadis had previously maintained and managed a key based locker system in the past.


Arren, Head of Rotterdam Office stated that, "From the beginning, we struggled with the lockers we have. We wanted everyone to have a locker, but realised it wasn’t possible. In some offices, every locker is taken and we don’t know for how long, by who or where the key is."

If staff wanted a locker, they needed to go down to reception, and ask. Reception would then check for available lockers and then provide a key, whilst noting down on a sheet of paper, who is currently using that locker.


112 Yellowbox smart locks were installed in October 2020. The system gave 80% more staff access to a locker, whilst saving countless hours of support. Arren noted "It’s the perfect system because you don’t have to ask the receptionist for help to use it. You do it yourself, hire for a day, and that’s it."